"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." - 1 Timothy 6:10

All Kinds of Evil

Greed is bad. Greed can be generalized as the "n=1" case of Patriotism. By this I am referring to an individual who works to accumulate wealth or other benefits for himself only, to the exclusion and detriment of others. A greedy child snatching all of the cookies out of the cookie jar is the same with this respect as a greedy businessman who pays his employees poorly while lavishing in his own opulent lifestyle.

To use computer terms, greed can be considered as Local Optimization. Basically, it's like optimizing an image palette for only the middle 1/10th of an image. Sure, that part of the image will look great, but the rest of it is garbage. Clearly this is unacceptable, because who would want to look at a picture of your friend if only the colors in her hand were correct? However, if Global Optimization were used, and the image palette is optimized for the entire image, then the whole image looks good, and is worth viewing.

Everyone needs to apply this concept to real life. We all need to expand our mental boundaries and work towards Globally Optimizing our decisions and behaviors. Why? Consider what happens when you have a system of interconnected, interdependent entities which are all operating selfishly or greedily. Let's say that there is a mainframe computer which has 1000 microprocessors, and they all try to access the same memory bus at the same time. What happens? The thing crashes; it's worthless. The processors need to acknowledge each other and adhere to an arbitration method for the use of shared resources. They need to share fairly, or else the whole system will fail. Human society is the same way. There are now more than 6 billion humans on Earth, and unless we all learn to work together for the good of all, I can guarantee that our society will not last.

I live in a big city, and traffic sucks. Probably the biggest reason for traffic congestion here is that there are simply too many cars, but the next biggest reason is greed. When traffic density reaches a certain threshold point, all of the cars group together. Then everybody goes slow. This slowdown is mostly caused by ignorant drivers who rudely throw their cars into tiny spaces in search of the "fast" lane (which research has shown to be ineffectual). When a driver shoehorns his car between two others, the drivers behind him all slam on their brakes, and the resulting back-propagating wave of cars hitting their brakes causes that oh-so-annoying stop-and-go. If people would just stay in their stupid lane and go, everyone would go much faster. But because a few people are greedy, everybody suffers.

So: please don't be greedy. Learn to become a better person and consider the wants and needs of others in your actions. Then you can become part of the solution to God's amazing creation.

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